subtitles by dramafever [episode 13] why did kim sung chulget remarried to you? if he hadn't remarried you... he would have gotten half of gahong. he only married you to be able togive everything to kim young ho. unless something happensto kim young ho... young joon's life will be over. where is kim young ho?
find him now! - where are you now?- i'm home. i'm about to change to leave. that's a relief, sir. please don't goanywhere and stay home. i believe that director choi will... what? joon sung. older brother! you can't, big brother...you can't! you can't...
young ho. no... somebody, please help! there's... wake up! hye ran... young ho! young ho...young ho! young ho! young ho! young ho! our young ho...young ho... sir! sir! please, wake up! sir!
what the hell are you doing,not calling for help? sir... father! please, stop them!father! i'm so scared! mom! mom! it hurts so much...please, save me! can't i do this when i'm an adult?or a bit more grown up? please, father... take care of the situation well, andensure that it's not leaked to the media. yes, sir.
and only tell the chairwomanwhen there are definitive results. i'm sorry, sir. everything... is my fault. there's no use crying over spilled milk. we have to get through it,no matter what. what happened to young ho? it'll be okay.he'll be okay. [son]
the caller you are trying to reachis unavailable at this time... [oh my venus] ms. kang! hm? oh... [mr. coach] [joon sung] i'm so sorry for being so late. i thought... that...something happened...
i'm so thankful that you'rehere in one piece. mom... i'm sorry... i don't know if i have the right... but... from now on,i'll hug you often. we were afraid she'd have severe organinjuries due to a broken rib but thankfully, we went intoemergency surgery right away so she shouldn't have anyother issues. as for her ankle and her rib,she just needs to take it easy--
thank you. sure. uncle... uncle. what about mom? oh... your mom?she'll be here soon. why did you dosuch a stupid thing? i was there...at the 61st anniversary celebration. i heard what you said on the phone...
i feel like i'm causingso many problems... if only i didn't exist,everyone... wouldn't be so greedy and would become okay...that's what i thought. stop saying such stupid things! i'm sorry, uncle. i won't do such astupid thing ever again. no... no. i'm the one who didsomething really stupid. i'm the one who's sorry.
what exactly... im star... are you all right? i have a request to make of you. but it's something personal... please, go ahead. please have a safe trip back. i really must protect that land. i'll leave it to you.
yes. i'll do my very best. the deputy presidentdidn't show up today, either. what did you say? she called the president yesterdaysaying that she wasn't feeling well but we haven't heardfrom her today. what the hell?she's never one to be late. exactly. there are a lot of thingsshe has to sign off on today, too... give me her address.i'll go see her. yes, ma'am.
seriously, what's with him? thankfully, he's regained consciousness and he doesn't have anylife-threatening injuries. however, he has multiple fracturesand muscle injuries as well. we did our best, but...i'm not sure if he can ever walk again. in his current state,i can't make any guarantees... i'll leave everything to you. please notify the chairwomanwhen he wakes up. based on my investigations
it seems that the director was tryingto protect mr. jang joon sung and thus, tried to block offdirector choi from charging at him and as for the madam, she triedto block director choi's car. thus, all of the perpetratorsinvolved became victims. it seems that we'll need director choito cooperate for things to end well. legally, it does seem that way. take care of the situation well. we can't let a child who's in pain... become a criminal as well.
my deepest apologies, sir. hey, deputy president! if you're in there,come out already! oh soo jin. oh soo jin! hey... hey, oh soo jin! hey, wake up! hey! ugh... what's with this overreaction?
my head hurts so much as it is... you scared me! why, i ought to... i'm not dead, so leave. leave. you don't have asingle grain of rice at your place so i can't even makeporridge for you so have some of that instead. i can't understandwhy you're acting like this. since it's just the two of us here,i'm going to speak comfortably.
stop drinking alcohol with medicinewhile i'm still saying this nicely. your body isn't something that you'llonly use for a day, and throw away. also, change your passcode. 0413. why did you use your birthday,of all things? you sure have no fear,for someone who lives alone... also, apologize. for what? hurry up! i told you this clearly before.
i'm not the onewho stole woo shik away from you! apologize! while i'm still being nice about it. after you passed the barand went to the states... why didn't you contact me? even if you were in the states,why did you ignore all of my mail? why did you only say thatwe were classmates? we were friends! why did you do that? why?
kang joo eun. i feel like i'm going throughhell right now... so please apologize, okay? did you get slappedsomewhere, or something? you terrible wench. you're more of aterrible wench than i am! what did i do? the guy from the engineering college! the guy who you introduced to me,saying that he was a nice guy...
he said to me that you set me upon a blind date because you pitied me. and he walked all over my self-esteem. and he told me thatsomeone who looks like me shouldn't even show my faceat a place like that. that kind of bastard... and the thing with lee ji hoon.you said you'd help me meet him and then you went andgot his phone number! because you were pretty. because everything was inthe palm of your hand!
because i was a fat, ugly girlby your side who was pitied all the time! you idiot. he said he'd introduceme to a talent manager and gave me thatperson's phone number. whatever. all this time... it was becauseof trivial stuff like this? my friend, oh soo jin? because of those kinds of feelings? these animals called humans... are the type of animals who couldeven die from things like that.
being lonely and being miserable... that's what it means. you apologize first. i didn't know. i didn't even know that i was supposedto make excuses for what had happened. all right... i'm sorry, girl. i'm... really not the one whoseduced woo shik first. i've known him for 15 years. he's not the type to fall for someonebecause they seduced him.
i'm sure what he feelsfor you is genuine. he probably was schlepping around,feeling sorry toward me and so, his timing just really sucked. so, what happened? did you get into a fight withthe director at gahong? damn it... tons of people are in relationships...so why is it so damn hard for me? it's a good thingi didn't change my passcode. ji woong.
huh? you can't cry in front of young ho. let's not put him in any more pain. - got it?- okay. goddamn it... i won't cry.i won't, no matter what! okay. don't cry.don't cry, don't cry... never. young ho.
oh, joon sung. yes? i'm sorry... i'm sorry. what about your mom? i met her.she asked me to thank you. the fact that this happened to youis my fault, right? because i might have been in danger... shut it. young ho!i'm here! i'm ji woong!
i'll stick right by joon sung's sideand make him into a champion! don't worry.you have nothing to worry about. okay? oh, also, i brought you a present. it practically takes care of itself. all you have to do is water itevery 20 days. okay? it's totally easy to take care of! so, so... you have to water itno matter what, okay?
and don't... don't kill it, okay? [sister-in-lawattorney kang joo eun] young ho.what should i tell attorney kang? i don't want herto see me like this... and i don't want tosee her crying, either. i don't even knowwhat will happen to me. i understand, young ho. young ho, i am goingto pray for you, okay?
i'm going to pray for a miracle, okay? okay. go, already. go and... do what you need to do. just go. attorney kang. where is young ho? about that... how much pain is he in?
he's in so much pain, huh? he is indeed in pain, then. where is he? i already knew thathe'd be in pain sometimes. i even saw how much pain he was in. did something happen? - attorney kang.- ma'am. i can search all ofthe hospitals of gahong, right? including those in america, china,and the end of the earth...
i will go find him,even if it's the end of the universe. i won't give up. so please tell me. joon sung. joon sung. - you can't go in.- i have to. please let me go. chief min. please go back. director kimdoesn't wish to see you. you don't know thati don't listen to him, do you?
please just once. i will just see if he's okay. that's all. young ho! mr. coach! let go! chief min! young ho! let me see him just once. let me just see him. it won't take long. chief min, i will justsee his face and go.
mr. coach. young ho, it's me. [18 missed calls from oh my venus]young ho. young ho. is everything okay? where are you? you bastard. please reply. just say something.
are you... in pain? i will come over. mr. coach, it's me. please. i will just see his face and go. i will just see if he's okay. [tap tap] tap. let's go to the hospital now.
tap tap. when i say tap tap, you let go. step back. mr. coach. it's me. it's unfair. if you say tap tap,what am i supposed to do? i know waiting will be hard. i also know that's why you're doing this.
but i'm a very stubborn woman. i don't care when and how you come back. i will wait for you. so you have to come back. you have to come backas handsome and sexy. don't get sick on me. to me, it's when you're the prettiest. being healthy is the prettiest. you have to come back.
remember that. if you're hanging in there,you haven't reached your limit. if you believe, you can do it. it's okay if you're sick. it's okay if you're notas handsome or sexy. i'm sorry. i didn't get to sayhow much i love you sooner. please take good care of him. i will do my best to keep him safe.
- mother-in-law.- don't get up. i heard what happened. when i think about director choi it won't be enoughto rip his body to pieces. he made my grandson that way. i'm sorry, mother-in-law. because you stopped him i heard my young ho was able to survive. like we never even met...
it's best for both of usthat we sever our ties now. please take care. i wish you luck. i might not be ableto go see my young ho today. please save me. this thing stopped me from leaving. i took young joonto the place in woo san. you can go stay with himwhen you leave here. i told im star that,so he will take good care of you.
brother. director kim suffered from osteosarcoma. for half of his childhood... he had surgeries andrehabilitation at the hospital. he lost his mother at such a young age. he did it all by himself. he's young joon's half brother. he's my husband's son, too. why did you do such an evil thing?
we only have each other in this world. if i don't protect you, who would? who would protect your son,my nephew, if it weren't for me? it didn't quite fit from the beginning. we were a family with many flaws. i had someone i could callmy mother-in-law. my husband wasn't sweet,but very upright. i was young joon's mother. i was happy because of all that.
you're such a moron. if you sign here both your negligence and director kim'swill be settled as penalty. [car accident settlement] im star. - good work.- it was nothing, director choi. i will soon take you out to play golf. - thank you.- thank you. after all, director choi was your boss...
aren't you mad becausei worked on the settlement? we're just doing our jobs. - would you like anything to drink?- no, thanks. as for the medical center for vvips... you were working on itwith director choi, weren't you? yes. since i'm on director kim's legal team i couldn't help withlooking through the proposal. well...
we weren't clear about how the locationand subcontractors were chosen. that's why you thought i hadsome grudge against director kim? i did. the im woo shik i knew... was a member of the national team whowould do his best within the rules. so i felt uneasy. i just wished the gahong i'd worked forwould do better than others in that area. even if something becameunclear in the process... let's overlook that, shall we?
as for the matterinvolving producer go... my goal was so clearthat i couldn't see other things. the new appointee who was born toa rich family seemed like a spoiled brat. when are you done for the day? let's have dinner together. by the way,joo eun and i had a huge fight. we women resolve things that way, too. gosh, you're shocked. you're also starting to scare me.
joo eun said you were sincere about me. she said im woo shikwouldn't fall for someone easily. now it's less uncomfortableto talk about joo eun. - so are you okay now?- yes. - let's go eat something good.- sure. [resignation] [year of sheep, 2015] why are we having this mealwhen we're starting a new year? it's not good to eat anything at night.
what else can we dowhen we close our restaurant this late? - do we skip dinner?- want some more? yes, honey. no, my lucky baby's daddy! hold on. your lucky baby's daddy? oh my. you guys sure do a lot of things. is everything okay? just leave me alone. she has a bad temper,so you should just let it go.
i will. no, she's very calm. oh my, you have no idea. i don't remember having a calm baby. eat a lot. don't be picky. how come you're not introducing meto the guy who makes you smile? you're not going to get married? why would i not want to get married?
he will show up soon. just wait a little bit. i see. you want me togive you a back hug, huh? okay, then. medicine for daegu's venus,who is so precise. i'm so forgetful thati often forget to take my medicine. when i'm that forgetful... how did you get here, young ho? it seems like only yesterdaywhen i first met him.
even if you're so mad thatyou want to curse, hold on for a minute. you're good. now your legs. i don't forget to exercise regularly. tighten your waist and straighten it. look straight forward. i don't forget tokeep my posture straight. don't lift your chin, as if someoneis pressing your forehead. stay like this for five seconds. i often have all veggies for my meals.
i worry about him so many times a day. i burst into tearsat the most unexpected times. attorney kang, is everything okay? i'm sorry. i don't knowwhat came over me. i've been living my life this wayfor the last twenty years. it doesn't matter if it takesa few days longer to finalize my divorce. it's okay. it's okay. don't cry. he should be okay, right?
- he should be okay, right?- of course. as of january 1st, 2015 the price of a cigarette hasincreased by two thousand won. on february 26th, the lawagainst adultery was abolished. in may, there wasthe first case of mers. - what was going through your mind?- tell us how you feel about winning! on august 15th, joon sungbecame the rfc champion. how will you spend your prize money? - please make a comment.- please tell us how you feel.
ji woong was rejected toserve in the marine corps six times. he's decided to apply again. so don't cry. everybody is hanging in there. that's how everybody is living. like that, we all went through 2015. and it's december 24th, 2015 today. he's still... everywhere. he's still nowhere to be seen.
long time no see, kang joo eun. you're real this time. stop staring at me. - it might wear off.- stay where i can see you. hurry up, so i cankiss you for seeing you again. i don't know if you know. to me, it's a miracle thatyou can see me this way. be careful. - see you tomorrow.- tomorrow?
i will see you every day.
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